Banner Properties and API fields
This page describes the properties that can be set or retrieved for banners when using the Revive Adserver REST API. The order of this page follows the order of the fields in the Revive Adserver user interface.
Field name: filename
Description: the filename of the banner image (applicable only if storageType = “web”)
Type: string, maximum 255 characters
Usage example:
"filename": "79498bab5704ecabf9f3a099a63f57a2.gif"
Note: the file name is randomly generated when a banner image file is uploaded via the web user interface, so that the image can be stored even when another banner is uploaded later that has the same original name.
Image URL
Field name: imageURL
Description: the URL of the banner image (applicable only if storageType = “url”)
Type: string, maximum 255 characters
Usage example:
"imageURL": "https:\/\/\/images\/leaderboard.gif"
Note: The content must be properly escaped.
HTML banner code
Field name: htmlTemplate
Description: the HTML code of the banner (applicable only if storageType = “html”)
Type: string, maximum 65K characters
Usage example:
"htmlTemplate": "html code goes here"
Note: The content must be properly escaped.
Destination URL
Field name: url
Description: The URL of the destination when clicking on a banner during ad delivery
Type: string
Usage example:
"url": "https:\/\/\/"
- Setting a destination URL is optional, if there is no destination URL, the banner can not be clicked (HTML and HTML5 banners are an exception)
- Special characters should be properly escaped.
Field name: target
Description: (optional) An identfier of the window or tab in which the destination URL must be opened. Leave blank to open the link in a new tab, use _top or _self to open in the same window. It is not necessary to enter _blank, since that’s the default behavior.
Type: string, maximum 16 characters
Usage example:
"target": ""
Alt text
Field name: alt
Description: (optional) The ‘alt’ text that a browser can display when the visitor points their mouse at the banner
Type: string
Usage example:
"alt": "Revive Adserver REST API"
Banner Width
Field name: width
Description: The width of the banner (expressed in pixels)
Type: integer
Usage example:
"width": 728
Banner Height
Field name: height
Description: The height of the banner (expressed in pixels)
Type: integer
Usage example:
"height": 90
Field name: weight
Description: The weight of a banner, used to control the selection of the banner relative to the sum of the weights of all banners of the same campaign
Type: integer
Usage example:
"weight": 1
- The ‘iframe friendly’ setting introduced in Revive Adserver v3.2.x is currently not supported in this REST API
Below are a number of examples of banner type and their full response array when retrieved via the Revive Adserver REST API.
Inline video ad
Currently not supported in the Revive Adserver REST API
Overlay video ad (image)
{ "bannerId": "5", "campaignId": "1", "bannerName": "Demo Overlay Video Ad (image)", "storageType": "html", "imageURL": "", "htmlTemplate": "", "width": "-2", "height": "-2", "weight": "1", "target": "", "url": "https:\/\/\/", "bannerText": "", "status": "0", "adserver": "", "transparent": "0", "capping": "0", "sessionCapping": "0", "block": "0", "aImage": null, "aBackupImage": null, "comments": "", "alt": "", "filename": "79498bab5704ecabf9f3a099a63f57a2.gif", "append": "", "prepend": "" }
Overlay video ad (text)
{ "bannerId": "6", "campaignId": "1", "bannerName": "Demo Overlay Video Ad (text)", "storageType": "html", "imageURL": "", "htmlTemplate": "", "width": "-2", "height": "-2", "weight": "1", "target": "", "url": "https:\/\/\/", "bannerText": "", "status": "0", "adserver": "", "transparent": "0", "capping": "0", "sessionCapping": "0", "block": "0", "aImage": null, "aBackupImage": null, "comments": "", "alt": "", "filename": "", "append": "", "prepend": "" }
Text ad
{ "bannerId": "7", "campaignId": "1", "bannerName": "Demo Text Ad", "storageType": "txt", "imageURL": "", "htmlTemplate": "", "width": "0", "height": "0", "weight": "1", "target": "", "url": "https:\/\/\/", "bannerText": "Revive Adserver REST API is a RESTful API for Revive Adserver.", "status": "0", "adserver": "", "transparent": "0", "capping": "0", "sessionCapping": "0", "block": "0", "aImage": null, "aBackupImage": null, "comments": "", "alt": "", "filename": "", "append": "", "prepend": "" }
HTML5 banner
Currently not supported in the Revive Adserver REST API.
Field name: comment
Description: A comment about the banner
Type: string, maximum length 65,535 characters
Syntax example: