Statistics functions
The Revive Adserver REST API provides API calls to retrieve statistics for all of the entities in the application. For your convenience, we’ve grouped the documentation in the following categories:
Note about hourly statistics
Starting with version 4.4.0, released on October 22, 2018, the Revive Adserver REST API supports retrieving statistics broken down by hour.
To implement this, some enhancements had to be made to the core Revive Adserver software as well. These enhancements, which have been developed by the Revive Adserver REST API team, have been contributed to the core Revive Adserver software and they have been included in their version 4.2.0, released on April 23, 2019.
Users of the Revive Adserver REST API who want to take advantage of the hourly statistics are advised to upgrade to Revive Adserver v4.2.0 (or whatever more recent version is available). Making sure to always use the newest available software versions is a good practice.