Campaign Management
Documentation for all functionality to manage campaigns using the Revive Adserver REST API (get a list of all campaigns for an advertiser, get the details of a specific campaign, add a campaign, modify a campaign, delete a campaign, get a list of all the zones a campaign is linked to).
Campaigns represent a very powerful but also complex feature of the Revive Adserver software. See the special page about all fields and properties to get a full picture of the available options for campaigns.
Description: Returns the existing campaigns under the requested advertiser
Implementation: URL/cam/adv/[advertiserId]
Method: GET
Json example
Method: GET
- Requesting the campaigns of a non-existent advertiser will return:
{ "error": { "type": "Exception", "message": "Unknown advertiserId Error" } }
Description: Get the details of one specific campaign Implementation: URL/cam/[campaignId] Method: GET
Json example
Method: GET
Response example
{ "campaignId": "1", "advertiserId": "1", "campaignName": "Demo Campaign 1 - remnant", "startDate": { "year": "2017", "month": "01", "day": "01", "hour": 0, "minute": 0, "second": 0, "partsecond": 0, "tz": { "id": "UTC", "longname": "Coordinated Universal Time", "shortname": "UTC", "hasdst": false, "dstlongname": "Coordinated Universal Time", "dstshortname": "UTC", "offset": 0, "default": null } }, "endDate": { "year": "2031", "month": "12", "day": "31", "hour": 23, "minute": 59, "second": 59, "partsecond": 0, "tz": { "id": "UTC", "longname": "Coordinated Universal Time", "shortname": "UTC", "hasdst": false, "dstlongname": "Coordinated Universal Time", "dstshortname": "UTC", "offset": 0, "default": null } }, "impressions": "-1", "clicks": "-1", "priority": "0", "weight": "1", "targetImpressions": "0", "targetClicks": "0", "targetConversions": "0", "revenue": "10.0000", "revenueType": "1", "capping": "0", "sessionCapping": "0", "block": "0", "comments": "", "viewWindow": "864000", "clickWindow": "86400" }
- See the special page about all fields and properties to get a full picture of the available options for campaigns
- Requesting a non-existent campaign ID will return:
{ "error": { "type": "Exception", "message": "Unknown campaignId Error" } }
Description: Add a new campaign
Implementation: URL/cam/new
Method: POST/PUT
Pro tips
See our special page with details about campaign properties and the corresponding fields in the REST API.
The easiest way to find out which campaign parameters exist, but more importantly in which combination they work together, is to create a campaign in the Revive Adserver user interface, and then to retrieve the details of that campaign through the API using the getCampaign method described above. This will show all campaign parameters as entered, but now returned in JSON formatting. This is particularly useful to find out how to combine things like campaign type, start date, end date and number of impressions (for example).
Json example
Method: POST Request Header: Content-Type:text/javascript Request Body: { "advertiserId": 1, "campaignName": "New campaign", "weight": 1, "startDate": "2018-09-01", "endDate": "2018-12-31" }
Starting with v4.0, the addCampaign function will return full details of the newly created campaign, instead of just {“OK”}. This enables developers to quickly retrieve the ID of the newly created entity, and to check the default values assigned to attributes that were not included in the call to create the new entity.
Description: Modify an existing campaign
Implementation: URL/cam/[campaignId]
Method: POST/PUT
Pro tips
See our special page with details about campaign properties and the corresponding fields in the REST API.
The easiest way to find out which campaign parameters exist, but more importantly in which combination they work together, is to create a campaign in the Revive Adserver user interface, and then to retrieve the details of that campaign through the API using the getCampaign method described above. This will show all campaign parameters as entered, but now returned in JSON formatting. This is particularly useful to find out how to combine things like campaign type, start date, end date and number of impressions (for example).
Json example
Method: POST Request Header: Content-Type:text/javascript Request Body: { "campaignName": "Modified campaign", "weight" : 2, "startDate": "2018-10-01", "endDate": "2018-11-30" }
Description: Delete existing campaign
Implementation: URL/cam/[campaignId]
Method: DELETE
Json example
Method: DELETE
Description: get a list of all zones a specific campaign is linked to.
Implementation: /URL/zon/cam/[campaignId]
Method: GET
Json example
Method: GET
Response example
[ { "zoneId": "1", "publisherId": "1", "zoneName": "Demo Zone 1", "type": "0", "width": "728", "height": "90", "capping": "0", "sessionCapping": "0", "block": "0", "comments": "", "append": "", "prepend": "", "chainedZoneId": null }, { "zoneId": "2", "publisherId": "1", "zoneName": "Demo Zone 2", "type": "0", "width": "728", "height": "90", "capping": "0", "sessionCapping": "0", "block": "0", "comments": "", "append": "", "prepend": "", "chainedZoneId": null } ]
- This method has been added in version 4.0.0
- A bug in this method’s output has been fixed in v4.1.0
- Starting with v4.1.0, this method returns an unnamed array of all zones (breaking change)
Sorting 'Lst' output
Version 5.2.0 (released April 18, 2024)) introduced the ability to sort the output of the 'list' feature by any of the available columns (in ascending or descending order), and to limit the number of rows of the output. This is supported for the List output of any of the categories.
Please see the generic Documentation for the sort order output of lists.